

Ventura Police Arrest Suspects For Elder Abuse in Computer Scam Case

Wednesday February 19, 2025

     Ventura police say they arrested two Los Angeles area residents for allegedly targeting an elderly victim in what's known as the "Norton Virus" scam.

     On February 13th the Ventura Police Department received a call of a fraud in progress where the victim's computer had been hacked by unknown suspects.

     The victim had withdrawn a large amount of money in order to pay to have it fixed.

     The victim had been told that a courier was going to come by the next day to collect the money.

     By then detectives were aware of what was happening and when the suspects showed up at the victim's residence and took possession of the money, they were immediately arrested by waiting officers.

     The money was recovered from one of the suspects.

     37-year-old Zhiyang Yan and 39-year-old Wenjun Liu were booked into the Ventura County Jail.

    Bail was set at $200,000 each.

     The pair were in court Wednesday and pleaded not guilty to Grand Theft, Theft from and Elder, Conspiracy, and Possession of Stolen Property.

     They also denied several special allegations.

     Both will be back in court next week for a bail review hearing.

     Police say there has been an increase in scams where something will suddenly appear on you computer, email, or text that claims to be from a computer service or anti virus program provider, like Norton.

     Ultimately it will say that for a sum of money they will fix a problem with your computer or other device, or they will install something to protect your computer or other device.

     IT'S A SCAM!

     Do not click on it, do not open it up.

     Contact a local law enforcement agency and ask for their advice as to what to do.