Jim Watkins

340x255 OnAir KVTA JimWatkins


Monday-Friday, 6:00pm-7:00pm


Speaking Out with Jim Watkins examines the top stories that impact all Americans. From politics, to culture, to tech, gender and race, if it’s in the news, Jim is talking about it.

Jim Watkins is an award-winning broadcaster who spent nearly thirty-years behind the scenes producing some of the most successful talk radio programs in the country, including The Savage Nation, The Laura Ingraham Show, The Mike Gallagher Show and his own syndicated program Saturday Night America. Today Jim consults for many of the top national broadcastings in the country.

Jim is also a blogger and podcaster who has reached over 1.5 million listeners through his ground-breaking Coronavirus News Update and Speaking Out with Jim Watkins podcast now on Spotify.

Years prior, Jim built his career along the coast of California on many great stations, including Santa Barbara on KTYD and KTMS, in Ventura on the Point, KOGO, San Diego to KNZS, Monterey, and along the way produced Keith Austin’s’ Rockfiles, a 52-hour documentary about the history of Rock and Roll music covering the golden years from the 1950’s through the 1980’s.

Jim is a native of Los Angeles, California, and grew up in South Los Angeles during the turbulent 1960’s, and later attended famed Hollywood High before joining the Air Force in 1980.

Today, Jim is both a husband of 25 years, and father of three, including a granddaughter, Jim is a strong advocate for liberty, constitutional freedoms, and the importance of family.

Jim is also a student of world history, astronomy, religious history, classic film and especially music. A former Kennedy-democrat-turned Conservative, he likes to draw upon his years of life, using metaphor and satire while sharing the news of the day.