
Nichols OIS

Suspect Shot And Wounded By Oxnard Police Out Of Hospital And Now In Jail

Thursday June 27, 2024

(Photo of the incident courtesy OPD)

     Update--The Oxnard man who was shot and wounded by Oxnard police on May 26th was released from the hospital and is now in jail facing a host of charges in connection with that incident plus a prior alleged attack on a woman.

     27-year-old Isaiah Nichols was in court Thursday to face a charge of attempted murder filed by prosecutors in connection with the incident on May 17th in which he is alleged to have tried to kill a woman.

     In addition, the DA's Office filed charges of assault on a peace officer and exhibiting a deadly weapon to a police officer in connection with the May 26th incident at Ventura Road and Doris Avenue in which he is alleged to have come after officers holding kitchen shears.

     That incident led to the officer involved shooting.

     Nichols did not enter pleas to the charges Thursday and the cases were continued until July 25th.

     He remains in jail with bail set at $1.5 million.

     Below is our story regarding the police report on the officer involved shooting incident and what led up to it.



     Oxnard police have released what's known as a Critical Incident Report of a non-fatal officer involved shooting late on the night of May 26, 2024 at Ventura Road and Doris Avenue.

     Officers had responded to reports of a man walking in traffic and he was holding a pair of scissors.

     When officers arrived they recognized the man as 27-year-old Isaiah Nichols of Oxnard.

     They confirmed that he had been wanted on an outstanding warrant accusing him of attempted murder in a separate incident that had occurred on May 17, 2024 in which he had allegedly stabbed an adult woman several times in the head.

     Police say that earlier incident was captured on security camera video.

     In the latest incident on May 26th, Nichols was holding a pair of kitchen shears and did not comply with several orders to drop them.

     The confrontation made its way to the 500 block of North "N" Street and then back to the original location on Ventura Road.

     They say he advanced toward the officers and raised the scissors.

     That's when the officers shot him.

     Police say that's Nichols fell to the ground but would not let go of the scissors.

     They say he got back up.

     The report says that officers deployed Tasers and he fell to the ground again and released the scissors.

     But police say he tried to grab the scissors again and the Taser was deployed for a third time.

     Officers were finally able to finally secure the scissors and medical aid was started.

     Nichols survived the incident and is still being treated in the hospital.

     Police say when he is ultimately released he will be facing charges stemming from both incidents.

     Here is a link to an Oxnard PD YouTube video that includes a briefing from the Chief and some of the body camera video of the May 26th incident...
