
2011 Mugu Crash Small

Money To Repair Damage To Mugu Lagoon Caused By 2011 Plane Crash

Wednesday December 18, 2024

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(Photos from Bureau Aircraft Accident Archives)

     The California Fish and Wildlife Department says state and federal agencies will be carrying out a $1.1 million restoration project at the wetlands area impacted by a 2011 plane crash at Point Mugu Naval Air Station.

     The non-fatal crash involved a fully loaded 707 air refueling tanker operated by a private contractor for the military that failed to take off and ended up on fire in Mugu Lagoon.

     The restoration project will actually be several projects.

     They include debris removal in a coastal salt marsh to promote regrowth of vegetation in the area; Upland Wetland Buffer Revegetation, removing non-native vegetation with herbicide and seeding of native marsh plants; European Sea Lavendar Eradication, removal of invasive plant species; and Project monitoring of wetlands for five years to determine if goals and objectives are met.