
Mountain Lion's Visit To Camarillo Creates Quite A Stir

Wednesday February 19, 2025

(Photo courtesy VCSO Facebook)

     A mountain lion's visit to Camarillo this week caused quite a stir and attracted a number of onlookers and media.

     The "big cat" wandered through a large portion of the city and nearby unincorporated areas before Fish and Wildlife personnel sedated it and took it away.

     No one was hurt, but the mountain lion's visit brought the news media out like a flock of sheep.

     The Ventura County Aviation Unit had their copter up and along with deputies on the ground kept track of the mountain lion's whereabouts as Fish and Wildlife personnel responded and came up with plan to safely remove it.

     Mountain lion "visits" to populated areas in and around the open space and mountains of Ventura County are not unique but they are also not ignored.

     Public safety officials advise people to stay well clear of the animals and call the authorities if you see one in a populated area.