Dalton Trevor

Former CHP Officer Sentenced For Off-Duty Ventura Shooting

Wednesday February 01, 2023

     Updated--A former CHP officer has been sentenced for an off-duty shooting in Ventura that left a neighbor seriously wounded.

     The judge Wednesday sentenced 50-year-old Trever Dalton of Ventura to a year in the Ventura County Jail and three years formal probation.

     The jail sentence is to begin March 7th.

     There are several conditions of probation including not to possess or have access to any weapon including but not limited to any firearm, pellet or BB gun, chemical weapon, a replica of any weapon, a conductive electrical device, or ammunition.

     In October of last year following a court trial, the judge found Dalton guilty of Assault with a Firearm and found true two special allegations of Causing Great Bodily Injury and Use of a Firearm.

     The maximum sentence for such a crime was 17 years in prison but the judge Wednesday suspended any prison sentence as long a Dalton abides by the conditions of his probation.

     The shooting happened in December of 2017 in the Ventura Keys the same night the massive Thomas Fire broke out.

     Prosecutors said that Dalton, who was a CHP officer at the time, was off duty when he became involved in a dispute with his neighbor.

     Dalton left the scene and then returned with a gun and fired two shots, one of them striking the neighbor in the back causing great bodily injury.

     Ventura police were called and arrested Dalton immediately.