2 Killed, Several Injured, In 2 Vehicle Christmas Eve Crash On Highway 126 East Of Fillmore

Tuesday December 24, 2024

CHP Generic HWY Sunset

(Photos courtesy CHP Moorpark)

     Update--The CHP says two people were killed, several others injured, in a two vehicle head on crash on Highway 126 between Fillmore and Piru on Christmas Eve.

     It was reported around 2:20 PM Tuesday afternoon on the 126 near Fine Road which is east of the Fillmore Fish Hatchery.

     The CHP says a 44-year-old Oak View man was driving a 2024 Volvo westbound on the 126 at 65 mph when, for reasons still under investigation, he allowed his vehicle to travel into the eastbound lane where it collided head on with a 2019 Lexus traveling eastbound.

     The 39-year-old male driver and a 31-year-old female passenger in the Lexus were declared dead at the scene.

     The Volvo driver was airlifted by helicopter to VCMC in critical condition.

     The CHP news release indicates when first responders arrived at the scene, "There were also a 71-year-old female and a 35-year-old male who had exited the Volvo and needed medical attention."

     The CHP news release also said, "The two other passengers in the Lexus were taken by ambulance to Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital for moderate injuries."

     Ventura County Animal Services was requested for at least one dog, possibly two, killed in the crash.

     The CHP is still trying to sort out exactly what happened and why.

     Initially, the crash shut down the 126 in both directions for about an hour.

     Later they opened the WB lanes to allow for traffic in both directions.

     Traffic was backed for miles in both directions.

     Around 7:15 PM ALL lanes in BOTH directions were REOPENED.