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CHP Believes Body Found Saturday Is 1 Of 2 People Missing In Deer Creek Road Crash A Week Ago

Saturday December 07, 2024

(Photo by Ventura County Air Unit)

     Update--The latest search of the scene where a Cadillac Escalade plunged 1,000 over the side of Deer Creek Road in the mountains along Ventura County's south coast a week ago has turned up a body.

     The CHP believes that the remains that were found in very thick brush are that of one of the two people missing in the crash.

     A missing person report filed Friday prompted the latest search Saturday.

     It was found Saturday, December 7th during a third search of the area since the crash.

     Shortly after the crash in the darkness of Sunday morning December 1st, one of the two passengers managed to get out of the vehicle, climb up to the road, and get a ride to the hospital.

     However he did not report what happened until Monday afternoon and that prompted the first ground and air search for the driver and remaining passenger of the vehicle.

     With no success.

     A second search Tuesday also failed to turn up anyone as did checks of local hospitals and their homes.

     The search on Saturday that finally turned up the fatal victim was the latest effort to solve the mystery of the missing driver and second passenger.

      The CHP believes it is one of the two missing occupants but they are not saying which one until family is notified.